Above is a view of the entry way to the IQSC. I am not sure what to call the white structure to the left but there are several chairs inside and so my feeling is that it is a place to rest and reflect. It really is lovely. To the right is the entry to a wonderful day.

Run, don't walk to this collection before it has moved on. I have seen some of the dear quilts before and it was a pleasure to visit them again. And luck us, the collector, Mary Ghormley was there that day and I quietly followed her and others around the gallery to hear the stories. Her affection for these doll quilts is heart warming as she is also speaking of the children who once wrapped their baby dolls inside. Mary also collected the doll beds and there are some beautiful examples in this part of the collection.

This is an interesting example of some of the cool things you will see on your visit to IQSC. Be sure you click on the picture to enlarge this "quilt". You will find the names of many quilt guilds. I missed the chance to ask museum personal what was behind the creation of this interesting piece. I can only guess at this point that these organizations support the center. it is beautifully made and I hope you all make a visit someday soon.
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