In few days I will be traveling to Omaha Nebraska for the second annual Baltimore on The Prairie conference. This is my second year also and I have been looking forward to this all year. Last year was new and I was a little worried about how I would do, how I would be received, but I needn't have been concerned. I had a great room mate in Kathy Delaney and a wonderful administrator in Tresa Jones. My students, well, I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed my time in the class room! We had so much fun. There was a lot of learning going on. The learning was on both sides of the table. I have taught applique for more than twenty five years and learn something new every time. In the beginning, I was running to keep ahead of my students. Don't tell them, but sometimes I was perfecting my style just hours before entering the class room! These experiences have become part of the great love of my life.
The second block, " In The Heart Of a cherry" is a favorite of mine as much for technique as the image itself. The wreath is cut work applique featuring ins and outs, points, curves and more. The stems are embroidered and the cherries are perfect, I promise. This is my Plus One workshop which simply means that it is a one day class. The supply list for this design is very short. This is a project that you will carry around. I hope you take advantage of the conference. There is a warmth and friendship associated with being there.
The eagle block is wonderful! So well done.
I have never heard of Baltimore on the Prairie. Sounds interesting.
Your applique is beautiful Nadine. I hope I have an opportunity to take a class with you one day.
I have always loved your work Nadine. I wish I had your talent.
Have fun at Baltimore on the Prairie! Say "Hi" to Nancy Kerns and Gail Chalker for me (and Tresa...and?) I'm getting the finishing touches ready for our local Applique Retreat.
Have a grand time. You have touched so many women with your work and this time teaching will be the same! Your work is exceptional, as always.
Both blocks are beautiful. Glad you had a good time at the conference. Tell Danny hello for me.
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