However, in the meantime, I know that at least one person has expectations of me and so I will try to be more vigilant about posting. So, tonight I want to talk about a quilt that has been on the frame longer than I am prepared to say. But, at last, I can say that it really is almost finished. I am quilting the final border of this 82" square. The eighteen inch blocks are the result of teaching a Piece o' cake designs block of the month at the request of friends. The center medallion and borders are my own design using elements from the blocks to tie them into the rest of the quilt. My incentive to finally finish comes from my desire to enter "In My Garden," AKA "The Endless Garden," AKA "Never Again," in Amador Valley Quilters show in Pleasanton CA. I have been a member almost from the beginning of the guild. "Never Again" refers to my ill fated decision to quilt twice around every appliqued element!!!
I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy sharing it with you
Looks great Mom! I am going to need a bigger bed! Yikes! I am going to go measure our bed. I hope I don't wake John. :) ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
Bravo, Nadine!!! You not only blogged, but you did it with featuring a spectacularly gorgeous quilt! AVQ will be hugely honored to have it in their show.
Pam (who just might have been the friend who gave you the "gentle nudge" to get you to post!)
I am and always have been in awe of your work Nadine. I am truly blessed to have you as my sister and my mentor. Hey I must be a grownup now, I am not even jealous...well maybe just a little.
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