When I woke up this morning I looked through the living room window to find snow on the ground. Not unexpected, though the forecast was for one to three inches and frankly there was already an accumulation of three inches and still falling. It did not stop until three o'clock. beautiful! I had a fair amount of quiet time today though Libby and Grace and Aubrey did come in the afternoon to sled in the ditch beside our house. They had fun and I had fun watching them. Time to speculate over the New Years Resolutions I made a few days ago. I blithely made some comment about getting back into my studio and also said to myself that I would add to that a promise to blog more and to share my studio as well as many quilts I could photograph and post. I am getting fairly competent with posting pictures and commentary, but the truth is not much more. I rely on my daughter to help me with the stat counter, which I love, teach me to add links etc. Thank you Kelly.
This is a picture of my home. I love the snow falling as well as the touches of red shining out in a black and white world. However, this picture is on my blog because I cannot figure out how to
post a great piece of vintage New Years Eve clip art. So, another resolution will be to take a couple of computer classes. So, Happy New Year to you. I hope your resolutions are attainable and that you come back to check on mine.
So pretty, Mom. The girls had a great time. Thank you for having them over. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
I love the picture of your home, it looks so inviting. I noticed you are reading The Lost Symbol. Is it as good as his other books? My husband gave me a subscription to Audible.com and I am thinking of getting that book.
YEAH! You will be blogging more!! The photos are out of this world. You could do some wonderful things with them in PhotoShop Elements :-)
Your home is beautiful!
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