I do cook although these days I am not sure just why. I suspect that with so much going on in our lives it has had a real impact on my concentration and therefore on my success in the kitchen. My pot roast is not as tender as I remember. These days everything also seems a little off. But a girl has to eat. So when I received a really pretty red pie pan with a ruffled edge from two of my favorite nephews, I knew I had to try again. There was a recipe inside!

This recipe has quickly become a favorite around here so I am going to share. I think this is a first for me as I usually write about quilting with family and friends scattered in as well. However this is an easy and tasty dish and I have decided you need to try this for a quick, popular dish.
Easy Taco Pie
One can of crescent rolls.
One pound lean ground beef.
One eight ounce container of sour cream.
One eight ounce package of finely shredded mild cheddar cheese.
One package taco seasoning (dry).
1/2 pkg water. Use taco seasoning package.
1/2 bag crushed tortilla chips. ( I used really thin chips)
Spray a pie plate with cooking spray.Line the pie plate with the crescent Rolls, making sure to overlap. Fill any gaps and bring up to the edge.sprinkle with half of the tortilla chips. Brown and drain beef. Add taco seasoning and water. Simmer for ten minutes. Top crescent rolls with the meat mixture. Top with sour cream, shredded cheese and remaining tortilla chips. bake in a 350* oven for 20 to 25 minutes. Serve with extra sour cream, salsa, or salsa con queso or other toppings of your choice. It has a casual look and tasted really good.
Thanks for dropping by. I promise to get back to regular quilt related posts very soon. I will post progress on Aunty Green in a day or so.