I am a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. I have always enjoyed needle arts and have been a quilter, and a teacher of quilting, for the past twenty years. I have periodically nurtured a small pattern business which I will introduce to this blog over time.
Quite by accident, a few days ago I turned a page in The Quilter magazine to find a photograph of a block I had entered in a contest posed by the Grouseland Foundation in Vincennes Indiana. I had been encouraged to enter by my friend Judy Morton, a moving force in the block challenge. We were encouraged to use traditional patterns or design our own. I came across Susan McCord's wonderful Harrison Rose design and knew at once this would by my entry. Of course her rendition was very large and mine needed to be small so the finished square is 1/4 the size of the original. I was surprised and thrilled when I received a call from Judy to announce that I had won second prize! Each of the committee members was kind enough to get on the phone and congratulate me personally. I was invited to come for the presentation and show. I was sceptical, but my husband said, "How can you not go?" So we got in the car and went!! I am so glad I did. They were so glad to see me and i was made to feel like a celebrity. I met many of the other participants and attended the quilt show. I also must say that it is fun to see some of my work in print.