Okay, I know you have seen "In My Garden" before, but I am excited and want to share the moment. I have long admired the Vermont Quilt show and finally entered a quilt. While I have heard that more than ever this show features quilts that have been long-arm quilted, no problem there. There is room for all. However, this show has a reputation for traditional, hand appliqued and hand quilted work and I am thrilled to be a part of that. This show is not juried. They accept the first 200 or so quilts and the judging begins. There is no monetary reward, so the satisfaction is personal. The funny thing is that I have no idea for sure if that small blue ribbon is for first place or not. There are a few other things it could be. If you know or if you find out, I would love to hear from you. Please remember, all you traditional quilters, we haven't stopped making quilts, but we have stopped showing them in numbers to match the machine made work. I want to see your work. I dare you!
Just thought I would come back and bring you up to date on my quilt. I received an email from Janet this morning including a more recent picture of my quilt. I am so excited to see that there are now two ribbons on my quilt. According to Janet the second ribbon is for best Applique. it has been a great day. If I had not entered, I would not be feeling this way. Take a chance. The worst that can happen is that people like me will get to see your art. The best could be a day like I am having. Seems like a win win to me. Thanks Janet!