Sunday, April 18, 2010

My drawing at Round Bobbin Expo

Above is a photo of a drawing I had at The Round Bobbin. A small black box filled with eighteen wooden spools of vintage silk twist thread. This thread is wonderful for embroidery. I have used it for crazy quilt projects as well as blanket stitch on wool applique. If you haven't tried this, you are missing out. The winner is Diane Wilhim. She was really glad to get this beautiful thread.

Speaking of the Round Bobbin, I would like to say something. While I have decided that the venue was not exactly the right fit for me and what I did learn a lot about such things as booth set up, appropriate merchandise and be sure you have chocolate! Seriously, though this was the Round Bobbin Sewing and Quilting Expo, this was still not the right place for me. I was perhaps the only teacher/vendor whose roots are in hand applique, hand quilting. The first day was a little slow, but that was what made what happened more noticeable. The majority of people who came through invariably made such comments as "I don"t like that." "Who would take the time?" There were variations on this theme all day. The next two days were a little better, still a little troubling. I love it that there are so many ways to define quilting. It makes what we do available to anyone because there is something for everyone. However, it would be a good thing to remember some of the quilting etiquette. Even my children knew better than to speak out when viewing some else's quilt, "Mom your quilt is better that this one!" or Mom, what is that?" I was startled, maybe even a little hurt and then I got over it. There is room for everyone. Join the party. I did and haven't looked back, not once.


Barbara said...

I just wanted to let you know that I think your work is beautiful. While others may not appreciate handwork, I wish I had the time for it. My dream is someday I will be able to do more of it, but right now I content myself with machine piecing and machine quilting. said...

Surely you know that your work is appreciated in other venues, as well as with any family and friends. Not too many do heirloom and legacy work. Lucky winner of the thread :-)


Anonymous said...

I think when people make hurtful comments such as you experienced, it shows a lack of understanding. The love that goes into every stitch of your work is a legacy unlike any other! Your work and reputation are undisputed to those who do hand applique! Thank you for helping to educate people!

Rachael Kinnison said...

HI Nadine~ I know exactly what you are talking about, and it pains my heart. I have 4 children, 4, 8, 10, and 14, and we have had horrible problems with other children at school these past few years....just being mean, horrible, inconsiderate poo-pas...for lack of a nicer term....and then when we have met the parent, well golly~ theyre worse than the children! Doesnt anyone teach manners and politeness, respect for otehrs property and self respect anymore??? What ever happened to 'if you cant say something nice, dont say it at all???' :::sigh::: for quilting, I was very dissapointed when I went to the quilt expo in Pueblo, Co this past month~I didnt see one hand stitched quilt, and only a single hand quilted one. I do not like the growing trend of lets see how many quilts we can push out in the least amount of time....I am more for quality over quantity, and do everything by hand. Perhaps someone should start a HAND EXPO....where hand work and qulaity R*U*L*E!!!!
Glad Pam pointed me to your blog!
xoxoxo rachael